  • It is a group of anaerobic bacteria and enzymes that improve the animal’s productive efficiency, whether in terms of weight gain, milk production, fertility, or increased strength of the animal’s immune system.
  • ZADO belongs to the group of probiotics of anaerobic bacterial origin that help to better digest diets and produce high quality and efficient feedstuffs that help the animal improve its performance and productivity.
  • Adding ZADO to ruminants’ diets increases the feed conversion factor, which increases animal productivity
  • Adding ZADO to animal diets works as a catalyst for the coexisting internal bacteria inside the animal rumen, which helps to extract nutrients essential to the animal’s productivity. This stimulation improves the processes of converting feed that eats the animal.
  • ZADO works to break down aflatoxin and raises the level of immunity in animals fed on it.
Categories: , , , Product ID: 398



Ruminococcus Flavefaciens 28 x 104 CFU


2.5 g / head for sheep
10 g / head for cattle and buffalo


Add 1 kg per ton of pelleting or mash feed


Heat-resistant and extrusion-resistant 75 %

Product Revenue – Milk

1 liter daily milk for cows
0.5 liter daily milk for buffaloes

Product Revenue – Meat

200 g daily for cows and buffalo
90 g daily for sheep

Product Feature

1 – Improve digestion
2 – Improve production performance
3 – Raise immunity
4 – anti-toxin

Efficiency of use ZADO:
  • ZADO and its effect on milk animals and milk quality for cows: ZADO increases the average daily production in milk production by 1.5 liters / head / day (long days milk).
  • Regarding buffalo ZADO increased the average daily production in milk production 1 liter / head / day (length of milk season).
  • ZADO worked to increase the percentage of solid, non-greasy solids produced daily, despite increasing the amount of milk.
  • ZADO and its effect on fattening animals, calves, buffalo and camels: ZADO increases average daily production by 200 g / head / day.
  • Sheep and goats: the ZADO increase the daily average production by 90 g / head / day.
  • ZADO and its impact on the general health and physiological state of the animal: ZADO worked to raise the efficiency of the animal in reducing the respiratory rate under the influence of high temperatures.
  • ZADO maintains the values ​​of the total protein in the blood plasma under the influence of thermal stress, as well as albumin and glucose.
  • ZADO works to reduce the heat burden, maintaining the hemoglobin value close to normal values. The use of ZADO leads to a reduction in cholesterol in the plasma. The use of ZADO increases the concentration of thyroid hormones and quad iodine.